Lab-related news & updates


SoBaD celebrates Jacob Goldstein-Greenwood, who won a grant from the UVA Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Student Council (GSASC)! Funds will be used to support research studies focused on privacy judgment and decision-making.

After spending a few days in New Orleans during Mardi Gras, eating loads of fried chicken and jambalaya, we are excited to report that the 2020 SPSP Conference was loads of fun. Jam-packed with new and exciting theoretical models, interesting research, and early career researchers, we welcome you to the UVA family!

It is with great pleasure that we celebrate Andrew (Andy) Hales, who has accepted a faculty position at Ole Miss, the University of Mississippi. As our post-doctoral researcher, Andy has worked on several projects, making contributions that not only "get it right" but highlight his vigilance, wisdom, and care as a social psychologist. Overall,...

Congratulations to Yuching, who has been awarded a Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Diversity Graduate Travel Award and Annalisa, who has been awarded an SPSP Diversity Undergraduate Travel Award for the 2020 Convention in New Orleans, Louisana. Hope to see you all there!

As the new school year begins, SoBaD is delighted to welcome two new graduate students, Jacob and Shelly. As Julia departs for her own graduate program, Annalisa Myer takes over as the new lab manager. Below is a little more information about the new lab members.

SoBaD celebrates Ben Converse's promotion to Associate Professor and official receipt of tenure! After years of dedicated work and exemplary research, the entire lab is thrilled to support Ben in this accomplishment, and we look forward to continuing good work and quality research in the years to come.

We would like to extend an enthusiastic congratulations to all the December graduates, but particularly to our own Natalie Volpicelli. Natalie has been with the lab for three semesters and brought her brilliant ideas and positive attitude to every day she worked in the lab. We will miss her greatly but know she has many big adventures ahead of her....

The lab welcomes three new undergraduate research assistants and a new Postdoctoral fellow, Christopher Neale. Chris is working in collaboration with SoBaD Lab and the Center for Design and Health on several major projects regarding climate change.

We have relocated to shiny new office space on the Corner, at 1413 1/2 University Avenue. Stop by for one of our tabling studies, or look out for the fall as we begin our in-lab experiments!

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